Blue Hill Troupe Pinafore Society & The BHT FUND

Modern Major Generals ($2,500+)
Nancy and Robert Hayward
Royal Court of Barataria ($1,000-$2,499) Margaret Carter
Hall of Ancestors ($500-$999) Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp. |
House of Peers ($250-$499)
Carole Bailey French
Sisters, Cousins and Aunts ($100-$249)
Scott and Anne Asher
William Attride Steffi and Bob Berne Richard Bertkau Steven Berzin Constantin Boden Beatrice Broadwater Mary Cox Golden Priscilla Cunningham Helen Curry Mary Dale Allen George Davidson Barbara Doonan Anne Fairbanks Childers Edmee Firth Raymond Fisher Stacey Flatt Alice Fleming Mitul Foster Nancy Havens-Hasty Nathan Hayward Katie Holler Home Box Office Linda Jones Mark Justin Alexander Kennedy Thomas Kennedy Gavin Kenny Jane Lang Michelle Larsen Sabrina LeBlanc MIchael Lehmann C.J. Leonard Brady Lynch Hayward Manice Carolyn McGuigan Richard J Miller Jr Carlotta Marie Morris Elizabeth Munson Joan Nabatoff Carey Ngai Margaret Nordlinger Elizabeth O’Neill Felicia Pan David Pasteelnick Madelaine Piel Gordon Pyne Kathryn Ramsey Edward H. Robbins Laurance Rockefeller Saul Rosenberg John Rowland Emily Ruderman Guy Rutherfurd James Rutherfurd Arnold Saks Todd Sollis Annabel Strife Tiffany & Co. Harold Trinkoff Robert Van Marx Arete B. Warren Christine Whitman |
Yeomen of the Guard ($1-$99)
Angelo Abdela
Christopher Adams Carol Anderson Judith Baer Margaret Baggaley Shannon Barr James Beckman Larry Beers Julian Bell Silas Bensing Harvey Berger Debbie Billington Mervin Block Christine Bonnici Jane Brogan Jennifer Bush Sheila Cameron Angela Cason Ashley Catalano Jane Coleman Virginia Cook Mike Cotter Lauren Cupples Debra Denny Ann Diamond Selden Dickenson Richard Dikeman Jeffrey Dine Reada Edelstein Caroline Noel Franklin Dennis Fowler Margaret Fox Paula Gerden Howard Glaser Aldona Gobuzas Bari Granowsky William Grigsby Erik Hanson Rita Hayes Thomas C. Hills Sheena Hoar Constance Hoguet Neel Emily Huffman Carolee Iltis Cornelia Iredell Lee Jacobs Jamia Jasper Mariah-Anne Johnson Robin Johnson Andrea Kahn-Kothmann Robert Kenney Charles Kernan Brian Keyser Christopher Kidd Lucy Kirk Theodore Kurz Victoria Larson Tony Marmelo Robert McCrie Howard McMorris II Naida McSherry Carl Meese Jessica Meese |
Jo Michaud
Leslie Middlebrook Pamela Miller Russell Miller Samuel Milliken Jean Mitchell Virginia Montgomery Brianna Morgan Nancy Needell Hayden OConnor Maureen O’Donnell Valeri Olson Tyler Parker Louis Pasteelnick Tim Peierls Erli Perez Dorothy Petrucelli Robert and Pascale Pine Stuart Pyle Andrew Quale Joseph Randazzo Arthur Ravander Homer Rees Jonathan Rigg Monique Rinere Victoria Robeck Ronnie Ross Janet Rossbach Becca Rozzoni Theodore Ruderman Trudy Sadinoff Elizabeth Samet Christine Saurel Michael Schmidt Steven Schwartz Shanna Siegmund Swenson Gail Silberman Ralph Sommese Jo-Una Spadafora Rebecca Srole Sarah Stackpole Matthew Stephens George Stevens Anne Stoddard Fern Stolper Islay Symonette Eric Thirer Michael Toomey Pearl Tragash Kathleen Treat Katharine Wasley Wells Fargo Nancy Wenzler Cynthia Whittaker Paul Wilder Damian Woetzel |
Please note – contributions to special campaigns are not included above.
The Blue Hill Troupe’s BHT Fund has been established to support the Troupe’s ability to deliver high quality shows, which are at the heart of how we generate our annual contribution to a local charity. The Fund is specifically used both for annual capital purchases needed to update equipment and tools, and for extraordinary expenses that occur in a given year. The Troupe welcomes contributions from our audiences, members of the Troupe and anyone who is inspired to support us and our efforts to create present high-quality, philanthropically-driven community theater productions. Corporate Matching gifts are also welcome!
We are pleased to recognize the individuals and organizations, both inside and outside of the Troupe, who have made a contribution in support of our work during the past 12 months. (as of December 31, 2019)
Anthony Cockcroft
Jennifer Dorre
Emily Freed
Riana Goren
Will & Mary Leland
Alford and Helen Lessner
Margaret Lundin
Marilyn McCormack
Mary Rockhill
Elizabeth Ross
Jacqueline Savage
David Schulman
Jay Sherwood
Suzanne and John Taylor
Jerold Zieselman